Consequences of a Criminal Conviction
H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C. Attorneys at Law
In New Jersey if you plead or are found guilty to any criminal
or disorderly persons charge either in a NJ Municipal or
Superior Court you will be subject to the following 12
penalties: (No Exceptions)
1. You will have a criminal record. A Criminal record may prevent you from finding
employment, seeking financial aid, buying a house, renting an apartment, or even
traveling outside the country.
2. You may go to Jail or Prison. (even for a first offense)
3. You will have to pay Fines and Court Costs.
3. You will most likely be sentenced to a term of probation. If so, you will have to
submit to random drug and urine testing and pay a fee to the probation department.
If you violate Probation such as stay out later than your allowed,
travel outside a designated area, leave the state or country you will generally go
immediately to jail.
4. In indictable matters (4th degree or higher), you will be required to provide a DNA
sample, which could be used by law enforcement for the investigation of criminal
activity, and pay for the cost of testing.
5. You must pay restitution if the court finds there is a victim or store who has
suffered a loss.
6. If you are a public employee of a government agency, school teacher or an office
holder, you can be required to forfeit your job, pension or office by virtue of your plea
of guilty.
7. If you are not a United States citizen or national, you may be deported by virtue of
your plea of guilty.
8. You must wait 3 -10 years to expunge a first offense. 2C:52-3 and even if
expunged certain parties and employers may still see your guilty plea.
9. You can be sued by the victim for the victims cost of defending the case.
10. You may be required to do Community Service.
11. Additional penalties may apply if ordered by the judge, some common orders
include: You are not to shop at a certain stores, you are not to frequent certain
areas such as within 500 feet of a school etc.
12. Even if you expunge your record many people will still be able to see your arrest
or conviction as the expungment does not erase your record it only seals it. Your
arrest or conviction can be seen on the internet through private data collection
websites thus the importance to get the best result today.
12. Increased costs for homeowners, apartment, life insurance and car insurance for
the rest of your life with many insurance companies refusing to insure you due to the
fact that you are considered a "poor moral hazard." The increased cost in insurance
alone over the next 5 years can in most cases easily pay for the cost of
representation thus, we can save you even more money than what our fee will cost
you today.
13. If you are an immigrant: A criminal conviction can lead to your removal and
deportation. Immigrants include legal and no legal VISA and green card holders.
With the Trump Administration deportations are increasing with people convicted of
criminal offenses being the priority for deportation and removal. In the past
deportations were generally limited to people convicted of serious crimes or specific
enumerated crimes such as shoplifting, theft, drug distribution, assault, domestic
violence etc. (CIMT crimes) Because Attorney Aalsberg is also noted immigration
lawyer he can help navigate this legal mind field.
H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C. Criminal Defense and Traffic Ticket Lawyers "When Winning Counts" Main Office: G-10 Brier Hill Court, East Brunswick, N.J. 08816 1028 Route #23 North, Wayne, N.J. 07470 1-800-9-RIGHTS or (732) 257-5040
Let Us Help You Win
Your Case Call For A
Free Private Consultation
1-800-9-RIGHTS call 24/7
Protect Your Rights
Just because you have been charged with a crime doesn't mean you have to give up!
Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg for over 25 years has helped thousands of clients successfully avoid these
penalties listed above. Our firm promises to do everything possible to win your NJ Criminal Charge.
Whether you are guilty or innocent you need the best criminal defense attorney. Attorney H. Scott
Aalsberg, Esq., has a 98% success rate of winning, reducing or eliminating the charges his clients were
originally facing. Put the best defense on your side and do what over 11,000 other clients have done in
the last 25 years and trust the law firm of H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C. to represent you. Preparing a
proper criminal defense takes time, and just as if you had cancer you wouldn't wait until the day before
you die to get medical attention, nor should you wait and think about hiring Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg,
Esq., to represent you. Motions need to filed, evidence may need to be preserved and witnesses need to
be questioned and the more time you wait the harder it will be to Win! Call 1-800-9-RIGHTS Now and
start the process with a free in office consultation. The call is free the results could be priceless
New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyer H Scott Aalsberg can represent you in the following: Assault, Aggravated Assault in New Jersey, New Jersey Sexual Offenses, NJ Drug Offenses NJ Drug
Possession, Drug Possession With Intent To Distribute Drugs, Controlled Dangerous Substances, Drug Paraphernalia, Endangering Welfare Of A Child, Domestic Violence, Terroristic Threats,
Kidnapping, Criminal Restraint, Criminal Sexual Contact, Arson, Criminal Mischief, Disorderly Conduct, Obstruction, Resisting Arrest, Hindering Apprehension, Fraud, Forgery, Identity Theft,
Weapons Offenses, Possession Of Weapon For Unlawful Purpose, Unlawful Possession Of Weapon, Probation, Violation Of Probation, Conditional Discharge, Pretrial Intervention, Pti, Assault &
Threat Crimes, Bail & Bond Matters, Burglary, Disorderly Conduct, Domestic Violence, Driver's License Suspension, Driving While Suspended, Driving Without Insurance, Drug Distribution, Drug
Possession, Eluding and Fleeing from a police officer in New Jersey, Drunk Driving & Refusal to Provide Breath Samples, Expungements, Fraud & Forgery, Harassment, Homicide, Juvenile
Offenses, Municipal Court Matters, Probation & Parole Violations, Robbery, Theft, Traffic/Motor Vehicle Offenses as one of the best criminal defense firms in the State of New Jersey you can
rest assured your rights will be protected. Let the experienced New Jersey Criminal defense lawyers at H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq. P.C. get you the not guilty verdict you need. *98% Success rate
is based on past cases and is not indicative of future performance.
When Only The Best Criminal Defense Will Do
Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.
Assault Charges
Bail Reductions
Possession of Burglary Tool Charges
Computer Crime Charges
Criminal Sexual Contact Charges
Criminal Trespass Charges
Cyber Harassment
Disorderly Conduct
Domestic Violence Charges
DRUG CHARGES (prescription and non)
Drug Distribution and Possession
Drug Paraphernalia Charges
RICO statute violations
Eluding or Fleeing from a Police Officer
Employee Theft Charges
Endangering the Welfare of a Child
Heroin Charges
Loitering and Lewdness violations
Fraud & Forgery
Megans Law Violations
Terroristic Threats
Probation and Parole Violations
Credit Card Fraud
Credit Card Fraud